Monday, January 30, 2012

Salt Creek Beach Project 1/30/12,+Dana+Point,+CA&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.808514,86.396484&oq=salt+creek+&hnear=Salt+Creek+Beach&t=h&z=14

I visited Salt Creek Beach on 01/30/2012 at 4:00 p.m.  The air temperate was 60 degrees.  The water temperature today was between 57 and 59 degrees.  Scattered clouds were noted with a light Southerly wind.  Winds were E, SE and S.  The ocean was calm and the swell was S, SW, W, WNW.  The tide was medium to medium high.  The surf report says that most breaks top out around knee high, with a few thigh high to slightly larger waves for top breaks.  The surf report says "it's looking very slow across the region this afternoon."  There were a few people in the ocean trying to catch a wave.  I estimated about 20 people on the beach, walking, running, or just waiting for the sunset.  There were about 25-30 seagulls.